A great little backgammon game, played against the computer or another person. This 1987 program works on Systems 4-7 and apparently on ALL Macs. Now that's a clean program! (Let me know if you find out otherwise.) It is a surprisingly clever program, although I can usually beat it. But sometimes it whomps me!
I tried to send in the shareware fee, but the author was unknown at the address given in the splash screen. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Steven D. Young, formerly of Sunnyvale, tell him I'd like to give him ten bucks for his program, along with a few tips about bugs, as follows:
Some legal moves yield a system beep signaling an illegal move.
If you click a second separate piece too fast, the program will think you double-clicked on it. (Undocumented feature: double-clicking picks up two pieces.)
Command-keys not supported.
In System 6, I've had part of the surrounding screen erase when I accidentally dragged a piece outside the program's screen.